Saturday, November 27, 2010

Voila! Disappear

An apparent disappearance! Oui, Non? Yes,  No?

7 days without a post, like a ghost I seem to have disappeared.
Many things seem a certain way, many things unseen are always at work.

How our worlds unfold around us, is always unexplainable. How everything we do is cloaked in
fashion, one style or another. It all fits together.

Surrounded by writers, musicians, artists,painters, designers is the fabric of all our worlds. So really, one has no need to fret. All week I was fretting as I had to attend to various demands which prevented me from posting the blogs I have been working on. Life is like that. 

Then without warning - a spark. I decided I wanted to post this video. A creative piece I had seen this past summer when an poet and artist my husband works with shared what was created as a result of a poem and a piece of music he created with his group Pharmakon MTL. Last evening he had his CD release for his most recent collection of music and poetry. On our way to the show I remember this video and knew I must blog it!

Of course he performed the piece at his show and I was stuck with amazement and with surprise when I realized that the actual title of this piece is "Disappearance". I was in awe and in reverence at the ethereal  connectivity. Possibly, how maybe it was meant for me to not post until my path crossed and arrived where I found myself last night. To be touched by the lives and connected creations of all who made an evening of quiet whispers, music & dance come alive.

How even our own creations,  our works of art, our blog posts  are all touched and born from both  the seen and unseen. The spoken and unspoken. The veiled and the unveiled.  The light dark.

Viola! The Disappearance!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is really good to just get lost in the tapestry of it all. Amazing the connections and magic that unfolds especially when you aren't looking for it! Groovy song too :)

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With Love From Me
Yes there is a lot of polishing that needs to be done here!

Admited! Guilty As Charged!

Looking At It Another Way. We Are Bravely Starting At
The Very Beginning. An Idea With No Real End In Sight.

Together We Can All Strive To Be Stratospherically Superb.

There Is A Blurry Focus But Don't Worry It Will Fun!
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Frozen Fashion
Love to believe I am graceful and elegant though the reality is I am klutzy & quirky! But my imagination is a great thing it doesn't know the difference:)
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